about pickles, pigs & swigs
This event is about celebrating Mount Olive and planning for its future.
Presented by Smithfield Foods, Pickles, Pigs & Swigs brings together our hometown's best: authentic Eastern North Carolina barbecue, Mt. Olive Pickles, and craft beer from Mount Olive's own R&R Brewing.
It's the 2021 brainchild of a core group of Mount Olive event planners seeking to establish a fall festival in downtown, and coordinated by the Mount Olive Area Chamber of Commerce. Proceeds from the event benefit the Mount Olive Community Development Corporation in its efforts to establish and implement a strategic plan for downtown's revitalization. The funds raised from these first few years of Pickles, Pigs & Swigs have been used to pay for a number of smaller downtown projects to get the strategic plan's implementation going.
Questions? Contact the Mount Olive Chamber at 919-658-3113, or moachamber1930@gmail.com